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Maurice Hinson and Wesley Roberts catalog published works for piano with two or more instruments with information on performance level, length, individual movements, overall style, and publisher. Divided into sections according to the number and types of instruments involved, The Piano in Chamber Ensemble then subdivides entries according to the actual scoring.
Keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, and percussion players and teachers will find a wealth of chamber works from all periods in this invaluable guide.
在这个扩展和更新的版本中,室内乐团的钢琴:带注释的指南包含 1600 多位作曲家的 3200 多首作品,从二重奏到八重奏。
Maurice Hinson 和 Wesley Roberts 目录出版了使用两种或两种以上乐器制作的钢琴作品,其中包含有关演奏水平、长度、个人动作、整体风格和出版商的信息。 根据所涉及乐器的数量和类型分为多个部分,室内乐团的钢琴然后根据实际得分细分条目。
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