主页 > Software > 编曲 > Cockos REAPER v6.51 / v6.35 [WiN, MacOSX]
Cockos REAPER v6.51 / v6.35 [WiN, MacOSX]


v6.36 - September 3 2021
+ Actions list: improve the naming of various selection related actions
+ Actions list: add deselect,unselect to list of action name synonyms
+ Actions list: match synonyms when next to various non-alphanumeric characters
+ API: allow plug-in audio hooks to read/modify incoming MIDI messages from the current block
+ API: add GetThingFromPoint() which can return WALTER elements
+ API: add read-only track property to read position of WALTER elements, e.g. P_UI_RECT:tcp.mute
+ Freeze: add option in preferences/rendering to generate muted silent items from muted source items [t=255812]
+ FX browser: add menu item to duplicate JSFX
+ FX browser: add option to always search all FX when using search field [t=256322]
+ Linux: safer plug-in X11 window destruction
+ macOS: improve default focus of various windows
+ MIDI: don't allow setting MIDI note-on velocity to zero in event properties dialog
+ Peaks: label slider "display zoom" in peaks settings window to match action names
+ Preferences: enable apply button when toggling 'allow space key to be used for navigation' setting [t=256970]
+ Render: automatically filter control characters from filenames on render targets [t=256971]
+ Tracks: option to disable track metering affects only selected tracks
+ Video: fix rendering at framerates lower than 1/video_cache_size [t=256901]
+ Video: update media item labels when loading user presets on a take-FX video processor [t=256861]
+ VST: improve VST3 handling of 0x90-encoded note-offs [t=256283]
+ VST: detect changes to window size on Linux bridged VST2
+ VST: fix UI idle processing for bridged VST2 on Linux
+ VST: prevent calling effEditClose twice on Windows and macOS bridged VST2 plug-ins [p=2474831]

Cockos REAPER v6.51 / v6.35 [WiN, MacOSX]

记录日期:2022-03-14  编号: S477  29MB | 40MB          

厂牌: Cockos Incorporated 类别: 编曲
格式: DAW 版本: v6.51 | v6.35
日期: 2022年3月14日 | 2021年8月31日 语言: 英文-多国语言
系统: Windows,macOS 位深: WiN64,WiN32,macOS64
要求: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 | Mac OS X 10.5 + 提供: R2R | BTCR
验证: 已验证 主页: 点击进入
备注: 链接失效请反馈或联系客服;付费后请及时保存!
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REAPER 是一个数字音频工作站。它是一个完整的多轨音频和 MIDI 录音、编辑、处理、混音和母带制作环境。使用您当前的计算机而不使用其他软件,您可以导入任何音频和 MIDI、合成、采样、作曲、编曲、编辑、混合和母带歌曲或任何其他音频项目。

REAPER 将您的计算机转换为任何顶级录音室的全部功能。它将支持几乎所有现有的音频接口。即使是由其软件不允许您使用任何其他硬件接口的公司制造的接口。

REAPER 没有轨道类型、总线、工具或离线处理。如果您想创建一个鼓总线,只需在鼓轨道上方添加一个轨道,然后按文件夹按钮。鼓将自动发送到文件夹。一旦您将鼓电平和 FX 调整到您想要的位置,您就可以记录文件夹的输出以无损地冻结鼓并继续前进。

- 便携 - 支持从 USB 密钥或其他可移动媒体运行
- 64 位音频引擎
- 出色的低延迟性能
- 多处理器能力
- 将多轨直接录制为多种格式,包括 WAV/BWF/W64、AIFF、WavPack、FLAC、OGG 和 MIDI。
- 极其灵活的路由
- 快速、无需工具的编辑
- 支持广泛的硬件(几乎任何音频接口、外置硬件、许多控制界面)
- 支持 VST、VSTi、DX、DXi 效果
- ReaPlugs:高品质 64 位效果套件
- 严格编码 - 安装程序仅超过 2MB

- 免工具鼠标界面 - 花费更少的时间点击
- 拖放文件以立即将它们导入到项目中
- 支持在每个轨道上混合文件类型/采样率/位深度的任意组合
- 轻松拆分、移动和调整项目大小
- 每个项目都有容易操纵的淡入淡出和音量
- 标签到瞬态支持
- 重叠项目的可配置和可编辑自动淡入淡出
- 每项音高变化和时间拉伸
- 任意项目分组
- 标记和包络可以与编辑操作逻辑同步移动
- 波纹编辑 - 项目的移动/删除可以选择性地影响以后的项目
- 每个项目有多个节奏和拍号
- 能够通过区域定义和编辑项目
- 自动化包络

v6.36 - September 3 2021
+ Actions list: improve the naming of various selection related actions
+ Actions list: add deselect,unselect to list of action name synonyms
+ Actions list: match synonyms when next to various non-alphanumeric characters
+ API: allow plug-in audio hooks to read/modify incoming MIDI messages from the current block
+ API: add GetThingFromPoint() which can return WALTER elements
+ API: add read-only track property to read position of WALTER elements, e.g. P_UI_RECT:tcp.mute
+ Freeze: add option in preferences/rendering to generate muted silent items from muted source items [t=255812]
+ FX browser: add menu item to duplicate JSFX
+ FX browser: add option to always search all FX when using search field [t=256322]
+ Linux: safer plug-in X11 window destruction
+ macOS: improve default focus of various windows
+ MIDI: don't allow setting MIDI note-on velocity to zero in event properties dialog
+ Peaks: label slider "display zoom" in peaks settings window to match action names
+ Preferences: enable apply button when toggling 'allow space key to be used for navigation' setting [t=256970]
+ Render: automatically filter control characters from filenames on render targets [t=256971]
+ Tracks: option to disable track metering affects only selected tracks
+ Video: fix rendering at framerates lower than 1/video_cache_size [t=256901]
+ Video: update media item labels when loading user presets on a take-FX video processor [t=256861]
+ VST: improve VST3 handling of 0x90-encoded note-offs [t=256283]
+ VST: detect changes to window size on Linux bridged VST2
+ VST: fix UI idle processing for bridged VST2 on Linux
+ VST: prevent calling effEditClose twice on Windows and macOS bridged VST2 plug-ins [p=2474831]


Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Mac OS X 10.5 +



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