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* Accusonus Drumatom V2 v2.0.0
* Accusonus Drumatom Player v1.0.0
* bx_boom v1.7.0
* bx_cleansweep V2 v2.5.0
* bx_control V2 v2.5.0
* bx_digital V2 v2.6.0
* bx_dynEQ V2 v2.5.0
* bx_hybrid V2 v2.1.0
* bx_limiter v1.3.0
* bx_meter v1.6.0
* bx_refinement v1.0.0
* bx_rockrack PRO v1.5.1
* bx_saturator V2 v2.0.0
* bx_shredspread v1.6.0
* bx_solo v1.6.0
* bx_stereomaker v1.3.0
* bx_XL V2 v2.3.0
* elysia alpha compressor v1.6.0
* elysia mpressor v1.4.0
* elysia museq v1.1.0
* elysia niveau filter v1.4.0
* Maag EQ4 v1.5.0
* Noveltech Character v1.5.0
* Noveltech Vocal Enhancer v1.3.0
* ProAudioDSP DSM V2 v2.3.0
* SPL Attacker v1.6.0
* SPL De-Essers v1.4.0
* SPL De-Verb v1.6.0
* SPL DrumXchanger v1.4.0
* SPL EQ Rangers Vol.1 v1.7.0
* SPL Mo-Verb v1.6.0
* SPL Passeq v1.4.0
* SPL Transient Designer v1.7.0
* SPL TwinTube v1.8.0
* SPL Vitalizer MK2-T v1.7.0
* Vertigo VSC-2 v1.4.0
* Accusonus Drumatom V2 v2.0.0
here's the new features :
- Reduces cross-microphone bleed on recorded drum tracks without altering the tone of the source
- Reduces microphone bleed throughout the duration of the drum hit — from attack to tail
- Focus and Fine Tune controls make dialing in just the right amount of bleed reduction easy
Custom algorithms for each of the following drum types:
Kick, Snare, Hi-Hat, Tom-Toms
- Flexible and easy copy/paste of drum tracks between analysis groups
- Import tracks from a .dls (drumatom group file) directly into a new session
- Filters out bleed based on tonal content, not amplitude
- Simple, intuitive interface
- Auto matching of algorithms to track names, kick to tracks named “kick”, snare to tracks named “snare” etc.
- Suppression meter displays the level of reduction in dB
- Waveform display shows processed sound (white) overlaid with original (blue)
- Optional plugin player allows you to control the amount of bleed from within the DAW while mixing (sold separately)
• Intel 处理器系列,频率至少为2 GHz
• 2 GB 操作。内存
• Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) 或更高版本
• Pro Tools 9 或更高版本或其他支持 VST / VST3 / AU 格式的主机
• 屏幕分辨率 1440 x 900 px / 1280 x 960 px 或更高
• 处理器与 Intel 系列兼容,支持 SSE2(兼容 Pentium 4 或更好;时钟速度不低于 2 GHz)
• 2 GB op。内存
• Windows XP 或更新版本(Windows 7 或更新版本更好)
• Pro Tools 9 或更新版本,或其他支持 VST / VST3 格式的主机
• 屏幕分辨率 1440 x 900 px / 1280 x 960 px 或更高
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