Now video game enthusiasts can play their favorite video game themes on guitar with this collection of 16 songs for solo guitar in standard notation and tablature. The book also includes access to demonstration tracks online for download or streaming. Includes: Angry Birds Theme * Baba Yetu (from Civilization IV ) * Bounty Hunter (from Advent Rising ) * Bratja (Brothers) (from Full Metal Alchemist ) * Theme from Fallout 4 * Main Theme from Final Fantasy I * Megalovania (from Undertale ) * Minecraft: Sweden * Unshaken (from Red Dead Redemption II ) * and more.
现在,视频游戏爱好者可以使用这 16 首标准乐谱和指法谱的吉他独奏歌曲合集,在吉他上演奏他们最喜欢的视频游戏主题。 本书还包括对在线演示曲目的访问,以供下载或流式传输。 包括:愤怒的小鸟主题 * Baba Yetu(来自文明 IV) * 赏金猎人(来自 Advent Rising) * Bratja(兄弟)(来自全金属炼金术士) * 辐射 4 的主题 * 最终幻想 I 的主题 * Megalovania(来自 Undertale) * Minecraft:瑞典 * Unshaken(来自 Red Dead Redemption II)* 等等。
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