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A Trumpet Around the Corner The Story of New Orleans Jazz American Made Music


Samuel Charters 50 多年来一直在研究和撰写有关新奥尔良音乐的文章。拐角处的小号:新奥尔良爵士乐的故事是第一本讲述新奥尔良爵士乐一个世纪的完整故事的书。尽管新奥尔良爵士乐的种族起源和文化来源仍存在争议,但《宪章》对爵士乐形成时期该市所有三个音乐血统——非裔美国人、白人和克里奥尔人——所扮演的角色进行了平衡的评估。宪章还描绘了这座城市的意大利移民音乐家开辟的道路,他们在新兴风格上留下了自己的印记。

该研究基于作者自 1950 年代开始的访谈、新奥尔良口述历史项目收集的大量材料、新一代作家的近期奖学金以及对来自爵士时代。这本书扩展了他早期著作 Jazz: New Orleans, 1885-1957 的研究领域,并通过对最早的新奥尔良录音的深入讨论开辟了新天地。拐角处的小号第一次将这个故事带到了现在,描述了全世界对 1950 年代和 1960 年代新奥尔良爵士乐复兴的兴趣,以及过去几十年铜管乐队令人兴奋的复兴。这本书讨论了对新奥尔良音乐遗产的重新关注,在卡特里娜飓风的洪水灾难之后,新奥尔良的音乐遗产面临巨大风险

A Trumpet Around the Corner The Story of New Orleans Jazz American Made Music

记录日期:2021-07-07  编号: E262  411MB         

出版: 类别: 歌集/乐谱
格式: MP3@64 kbps 页数: 0
日期: 2018年12月 编号: ASIN: B079J27KH4
语言: 英文 提供:
主页: 备注: MP3文件是人声叙述非音乐
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Samuel Charters has been studying and writing about New Orleans music for more than 50 years. A Trumpet around the Corner: The Story of New Orleans Jazz is the first book to tell the entire story of a century of jazz in New Orleans. Although there is still controversy over the racial origins and cultural sources of New Orleans jazz, Charters provides a balanced assessment of the role played by all three of the city's musical lineages - African American, white, and Creole - in jazz's formative years. Charters also maps the inroads blazed by the city's Italian immigrant musicians, who left their own imprint on the emerging styles.

The study is based on the author's own interviews, begun in the 1950s, on the extensive material gathered by the Oral History Project in New Orleans, on the recent scholarship of a new generation of writers, and on an exhaustive examination of related newspaper files from the jazz era. The book extends the study area of his earlier book Jazz: New Orleans, 1885-1957, and breaks new ground with its in-depth discussion of the earliest New Orleans recordings. A Trumpet around the Corner for the first time brings the story up to the present, describing the worldwide interest in the New Orleans jazz revival of the 1950s and 1960s, and the exciting resurgence of the brass bands of the last decades. The book discusses the renewed concern over New Orleans's musical heritage, which is at great risk after the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina's floodwaters

Samuel Charters 50 多年来一直在研究和撰写有关新奥尔良音乐的文章。拐角处的小号:新奥尔良爵士乐的故事是第一本讲述新奥尔良爵士乐一个世纪的完整故事的书。尽管新奥尔良爵士乐的种族起源和文化来源仍存在争议,但《宪章》对爵士乐形成时期该市所有三个音乐血统——非裔美国人、白人和克里奥尔人——所扮演的角色进行了平衡的评估。宪章还描绘了这座城市的意大利移民音乐家开辟的道路,他们在新兴风格上留下了自己的印记。
该研究基于作者自 1950 年代开始的访谈、新奥尔良口述历史项目收集的大量材料、新一代作家的近期奖学金以及对来自爵士时代。这本书扩展了他早期著作 Jazz: New Orleans, 1885-1957 的研究领域,并通过对最早的新奥尔良录音的深入讨论开辟了新天地。拐角处的小号第一次将这个故事带到了现在,描述了全世界对 1950 年代和 1960 年代新奥尔良爵士乐复兴的兴趣,以及过去几十年铜管乐队令人兴奋的复兴。这本书讨论了对新奥尔良音乐遗产的重新关注,在卡特里娜飓风的洪水灾难之后,新奥尔良的音乐遗产面临巨大风险



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